seventeen − fourteen =

Why Rebuilders Choice Line of Hard to Find Auto Parts


The rate at which parts are being discontinued is increasing, each list from the main manufacturers get bigger each year so we are constantly looking at whether to reproduce certain parts. The amount of NOS parts that are available is dwindling and there is not an everlasting supply. We  stay on our toes and keep our ear to ground to constantly allocate rare and unusual parts while reproducing obsolete parts at the same time. One minute early v8 (331 &365) Cadillacs are hot, then the next minute it is the early hemis it is ever changing and we strive to be the source for those obsolete and discontinued parts for all make and model of American domestics starting as early as 1920.

We specialize in the obsolete. We are a one stop shop for shops and wholesale accounts; we have parts for Fords, Chevys, Caddys, Hudsons, Nashs , Packards and other lesser known makes. We also have made many of the obsolete parts new. We have taken various pistons, bearings, timing chains and gears reversed engineered them, corrected many of the flaws that had caused their downfalls and remade them using today technology and materials.  We put the fun back in driving because now there was a source for new obsolete parts and the fear of where the next would come from is gone.

Just in the past ten years we have reproduced 95 different types of pistons for the 1930’s, 40′ and 50’s The request keep coming in. We are seeing a transition in what we use to think were later model parts meaning the later 1960’s and early 70’s and are constantly tending to our customers needs.

We listen to our accounts, big or small as they are on the front line of what is trending. When there was a need for 429 Cadillac pistons and NOS was not available. We went ahead and had them reproduced. From pistons to bearing to fuel pumps we have made the effort to reproduce the parts to keep the antique portion of the industry moving.

So keep Rebuilders Choice in mind and never say no to a job or part request again.

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